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Saturday, January 17, 2015

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Yeah so we haven't posted in a while cause we have kids, jobs and crap to do.  BUT... are you following our Facebook page? Cause we update that almost daily. Plus... we have fun things in the works that you won't want to miss...

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  1. I liked it, but mostly for the same reasons I liked Twilight. The dreary Pacific Northwest visuals (area I grew up in,) and the great music. I found it kind of beautifully depressing, which isn't a selling point for most people, ha ha. I did really like Ana as portrayed by Dakota. Thought she was positively charming. Definitely could have used waaaay less of seeing her skin though, and probably could have done with seeing more of Christian's. :) Fun review!

  2. I still have the headache from watching this movie, but the review you two did on it was spot-on, and hysterical!! RED RED RED or STOP!! I forgot my safe-word! What no Tampax? Great job ladies.
